Instructions for submitting the poster file:

The poster should be prepared in dimensions of 70 cm for height and 50 cm for width. (Conference posters should be in portrait style). The margins should be at least 3 cm.
The text of the poster must be written in English.
The poster must be prepared in one page (Portrait), the conference secretariat will not accept posters prepared on A4 paper.
For the poster background, use the poster format available on the conference website.
In the posters, all the necessary points related to a complete article should be observed in the following order:

  • The title of the article, the full name of the authors (the name of the main author should be marked with an asterisk and the name of the presenter should be underlined), the name and address of the university or institution, the main text of the article including the introduction, methodology, results and discussion and sources.
  • English text: title 50- text at least 20 Times New Roman font