ANNOUNCEMENT: Click to view the congress program
ANNOUNCEMENT: Participation fee will be collected after the congress is completed.

11-13 December

11-13 December

11-13 December

11-13 December
Due to the requests received, the deadline for submitting abstracts was extended
Abstract submission deadline: 10 November 2024
Payment Deadline: 22 November 2024
Full Text Deadline: 25 November 2024
Conference dates: 11-13 December 2024
The congress will be face-to-face and/or online
Registration fees: 20 euros for students and 30 euros for others
Invitation Letter
Dear Colleagues,
Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara University, is organizing the 8th International Congress on Fisheries and Aquatic Research (ICFAR 2024) on 11-13 December 2024, which will be held both online and face to face.
This event is an opportunity to bring together researchers to present their research innovations, to share ideas and knowledge, and discuss future perspectives of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Research.
We look forward to welcome you to the 8th ICFAR 2024, where the latest scientific findings to address current and future challenges will be presented and discussed.
Best regards, thank you.
Prof. Dr. Hasan Hüseyin ATAR
Head of Congress ICFAR 2024


Congress Details
Honorary Chairman
Prof. Dr. HASAN HÜSEYİN ATAR, Ankara University, Türkiye
General Congress Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Dr. SHAHRAM DADGAR, Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research
Institute (IFSRI), Iran
Head of Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. MEHMET KARATAŞ, Necmettin Erbakan University, Türkiye
Head of Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. ERHAN MUTLU, Akdeniz University, Türkiye
Head of Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. MEHMET KARATAŞ, Necmettin Erbakan University, Türkiye
Members of Scientific Committee
Dr. Abd El-Rahman A. Khattaby, CLAR, Agriculture Research Center, Egypt
Prof. Dr. Aileen SHAN HWAI TAN, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr. Annette JAYA RAM, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr. Annie CHRISTIANUS, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr. Athanasios EXADACTYLOS, University of Thessaly, Greece
Prof. Dr. Celalettin AYDIN, Ege Universitiy, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Dinesh KAIPPILLY, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), India
Prof. Dr. Dušan PALIĆ, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Germany
Prof. Dr. Erhan MUTLU, Akdeniz University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Ercument GENC, Ankara University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Farhat JABEEN, Government College University Faisal Abad, Pakistan
Dr. Fatima KIES, University Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Prof. Dr. Gholamreza RAFIEE, University of Tehran, Iran
Prof. Dr. Gregory A. LEWBART, North Carolina State University, USA
Prof. Dr. Hamid Reza ESMAEILI, Shiraz University, Iran
Prof. Dr. Hasan HUSEIN ATAR, Ankara University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Homayoun HOSSEINZADEH, Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute (IFSRI), Iran
Dr. Ilker ZEKI KURTOGLU, Rize University, Türkiye
Dr. Ioannis T. KARAPANAGIOTIDIS, University of Thessaly, Greece
Prof. Dr. Issa SHARIFPOUR, Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute (IFSRI), Iran
Prof. Dr. Mahdi SOLTANI, University of Tehran
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud BAHMANI, Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute (IFSRI), Iran
Dr. Marina PAOLUCCİ, University of Sannio, Italy
Dr. Masoud REZAE, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
Prof. Dr. Mehmet KARATAŞ, Necmettin Erbakan University, Türkiye
Dr. Michael CHATZIEFSTATHIOU, University of the Aegean, Greece
Dr. Miroslav UROSEVIC, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Prof. Dr. Mohd Salleh KAMARUDIN, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr. M. MASILAMANI SELVAM, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, India
Dr. Mohammad Reza SHOKRI, shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Dr. Muhammad Younis LAGHARI, Sindh University Jamshoro, Pakistan
Dr. Muyassar H. ABUALREESH, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Nader A. SALMAN, Al-Manara College for Medical Sciences, Iraq
Dr. Nagabhushan CHRANTIMATH, Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, India
Dr. Nargess MOORAKI, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Prof. Dr. Naser AGH, Urmia University, Iran
Prof. Dr. Özgür ALTAN, Ege University, Türkiye
Dr. Patricio RENE DE LOS RIOS ESCALANTE, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile
Dr. Punhal KHAN LASHARI, University of Sindh Jamshoro, Pakistan
Dr. Ram C. BHUJEL, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand
Prof. Dr. Reza TAHERGORABI, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, USA
Prof. Dr. Roy PALMER, Universidad Tecnológica del Mar de Tamaulipas Bicentenario, Mexico
Dr. Sachinandan DUTTA, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
Dr. Sabrine BOUCETTA, University of 20 August 1955, Algeria
Dr. Serhat ENGIN, Ege University, Türkiye
Dr. Seyed Ali JOHARI, University of Kurdistan, Iran
Dr. Seyed Davood HAJIMIRRAHIMI, Imam Khomeini Higher Education Center, Iran
Dr. Seyed Hossein HOSEINIFAR, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran
Dr. Shahram DADGAR, Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute (IFSRI), Iran
Dr. Siamak YOUSEFI, Department of Biology, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Dr. Soheil EAGDERİ, University of Tehran, Iran
Prof. Dr. Suat DIKEL, Çukurova University, Türkiye
Dr. V. S. Chandrasekaran, Emeritus Principal Scientist, ICAR-Central Institute of Brackish water Aquaculture, India
Dr. Vikash KUMAR, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries, India
Prof. Dr. Zeliha SELAMOĞLU, Ömer Halisdemir University, Türkiye
Head of Organizing Committee
- Prof. Dr. ERHAN MUTLU, Akdeniz University, Antalya / Türkiye
Members of Organizing Committee
- Prof. Dr. Abdullah DİLER, Isparta University of Applied Sciences Isparta / Türkiye
- Prof. Dr. Telat YANIK, Atatürk University, Erzurum / Türkiye
- Prof. Dr. Mehmet KARATAŞ, Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya / Türkiye
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adem Yavuz SÖNMEZ, Kastamonu University Kastamonu / Türkiye
Eng. Hadeer Amer Ahmed, Blue Life Hub, Egypt
The organizers of the ICFAR 2023 have made an arrangement to create a themed ‘proceedings’ Collection at “Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences (JIFRO)” “International Journal of Veterinary Research (INJVR)” , “Journal of Applied Biological Sciences (JABS)“ , “International Journal of Aquatic Research and Environmental Studies (INJOERE)“and “International Journal of Biological Reports (INJBIR)“
Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
11-13 December 2024
Guide for submitting the presentation file:
- Maximum in 20 slides
- The presentation must be in English.
- The title page should include: the title of the article, the full name of the authors (the name of the main author is marked with an asterisk and the name of the presenter is underlined), the name and address of the university or institution
- The main text of the presentation should include introduction, methodology, results and discussion and sources.
- The submitted file should be in pdf format and less than 40MB.
- The name of the submitted file is the code of the article.
Presentation Type (Times New Roman 13)
Poster Preferred
Scope (Times New Roman 13)
Aquatic animal disease
Abstract Title (Times New Roman 13)
Assessment of Amphibian Risks in Wetlands Containing Elevated Metal Concentrations
Authors (Times New Roman 12)
R.N. Hull1*, C.E. Moore1, L.J. Marshall2, N. Ackeray1
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada (Times New Roman 11)
*corresponding e-mail:…………. (Times New Roman 10)
Instructions for submitting the poster file:
The poster should be prepared in dimensions of 70 cm for height and 50 cm for width. (Conference posters should be in portrait style). The margins should be at least 3 cm.
The text of the poster must be written in English.
The poster must be prepared in one page (Portrait), the conference secretariat will not accept posters prepared on A4 paper.
For the poster background, use the poster format available on the conference website.
In the posters, all the necessary points related to a complete article should be observed in the following order:
- The title of the article, the full name of the authors (the name of the main author should be marked with an asterisk and the name of the presenter should be underlined), the name and address of the university or institution, the main text of the article including the introduction, methodology, results and discussion and sources.
- English text: title 50- text at least 20 Times New Roman font
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Prof. Dr. Aileen Shau Hwai TAN
Sustainable Aquaculture Through Non-Feed Aquaculture

Prof. Dr. Dušan PALIĆ
Role of veterinarians in global aquatic animal health

Prof. Dr. Farhat JABEEN
Ecological Impacts of Microplastics on Aquatic Ecosystems: Present and Future Perspectives

Prof. Dr. Özgür ALTAN
Using of discarded fish as an ingredient in raw pet food

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Laura LOPEZ GRECO
Climate Change and Crustacean Reproduction: Impacts in Aquatic Resources

Prof. Dr. Seyed Hossein HOSEINIFAR
Gut Mictobiota Modulators and Antioxidant Defence in Fish

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sachinandan DUTTA
Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management, an Ecopath Approach

Prof. Dr. Roy D. PALMER
Driving Seafood Consumption to Improve Health

The development of functional feed for Shrimp Penaeus vannamei production

Dr. Ramon M. KOURIE
Biofloc Technology (BFT) and its benefits

Removing critical bottlenecks in mass production of marine fish seed: biological and physiological aspects

Prevalence of Microbial Diseases in Larvae & Post Larvae with various Probiotics under Commercial Shrimp Hatchery Conditions